Making Time for Change

Through our work, the R.E.S.S.E.T. Team has found that one of the first and most important keys to successfully adding any new action or routine is time – making time for change. 

“Nothing happens unless something is moved.” -Albert Einstein

You may find that you want peace and calm in your life, but your busy lifestyle and feeling like you’re running a mile a minute causes a challenge. You may constantly hear that voice in your head laughing and saying, “You don’t have time for this.”

We urge you over the next two weeks to challenge this voice, by finding 5 to 10-minute intervals for yourself. You and only you have the power to change yourself, but change takes conscious effort to adjust the patterns and behaviors you currently yield to. And, trust us the benefits of this process will be well worth it!


We recommend taking this moment to find blocks of time in your calendar for these intervals. Take out your pocket calendar, iPhone, android, outlook or google calendar and pick 2 to 3 intervals of 5 to 10-minute periods each day to set aside for yourself to relax and R.E.S.S.E.T. By doing so, you are putting the power into your own hands and setting yourself up for success.