Your R.E.S.S.E.T Word: A Stress-Busting Secret Weapon
One technique that we use a lot especially in our mindfulness cards is space to write your own technique. We call these the “write your own” cards. The goal of these moments is to give you space to think of a solution specific to yourself that helps you feel joy, happiness or peace.
“It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.” ―Dale Carnegie
Take 15 minutes to reflect on activities, techniques and things that you enjoy that can help you add happiness into your day, especially when you face stressful moments. Take some time to reflect or even journal on this topic. Think outside the box, your technique could be as simple as sipping on a chai tea because it reminds you of Christmas and floods you with those positive memories. It could be going for a walk in a new neighborhood and enjoying the new surroundings or even watching a funny YouTube video that always makes you laugh. The options are endless!